Sunday, April 23, 2017

Follow the Signs: They'll lead you to where you need to be

Today is Earth Day. While I'm very much into it, I don't really think about the day in advance or plan any celebratory events around it. It is not a "holiday" or anything for me. However, I was drawn to be outside today. I hemmed and hawed about what to do, where to go and how to be outside for most of the afternoon. I decided to pack up my camera and laptop and drive towards the one of my favorite outdoor locations: the mountains.

I've been looking for some clarity and some answers recently and today's destination-less trip is just what I needed. At first I took a path that I was familiar with, Hwy 168 East; a path I've been on before. I ended up taking a turn that I've taken before and I arrived at the place I had been to previously, Humphrey's Station, naturally, it was closed, and I felt as though my journey was not yet complete, so I kept driving. The next place-marker (Tollhouse Market) was only 5 miles away (in the mountains this means more like 20 minutes). So I kept going. Along the way I encountered some incredibly beautiful scenery. Mind you, I started this journey somewhere in the 7pm hour, so it was dusk; the light was playing with the mountains just as it should. One of the most memorable moments was seeing this mama cow feeding her calf. She thankfully moo'ed at me so I continued on my path.

Mama and her calf reminded me to stop and notice life along the way. I pulled to the side of the road to snap that photo. I decided to take my good camera with me this time, in anticipation of moments like these. I also snapped a few photos of the Dry Creek (which was not so dry!) This is a good one:

Upon arrival at the market, quite obviously it was closed, I saw yet another sign that offered yet another place-marker, this one 7 miles away, Pine Ridge. I thought, I like Pines, and I like Ridges, so I might as well see what its like. Until this moment I hadn't pulled out a map. I was simply relying on the signs in the road to guide me. I noticed on the map that I'd be venturing into the Sierra National Forrest, which thrilled me. This meant I was really in my element. I rolled down the windows, just a tad, and continued on my path. The drive to Pine Ridge was amazing. Switch backs reminding me about life's many twists and turns and switchbacks, mini-waterfalls on the side of the road which were gone just as I passed them by, granite rocks across most of the views ahead of me and behind me reminding me of the strength beneath my feet.

This is what I mean by incredible. I was alone on the road most of the way (which other crazy person is driving up the mountain at 8pm!?) I was able to stop literally on the road and snap this photo. The camera picked up the thin grass in the foreground and I realized that this is what I came here to see. The beauty in the distance and the faint grass right in front of me.

I didn't quite find "Pine Ridge" as a destination, which I was fine with. What I did find was myself back on Hwy 168 and a Vista Point. I pulled into the Vista Point (which reminded me about when I used to live in Camarillo and would go to "Beach Access" which I considered my personal beach). Well, this was my personal Vista Point now. I was the only one there, likely because it wasn't much of a "vista" at this late in the day. The sun had definitely set by this time, and the sky was turning darker. In true lil' wanderer fashion, I was compelled to do a little tree pose. I set the camera up, turned the timer on and did that over and over again and kept getting the same distorted picture you see below. 

I'm certain you see it in the picture: a bit of a haze, whether a speck of dust on the lens, or some dust I kicked up during tree pose, or something else entirely, I felt a presence with me. I began to pray. I prayed for guidance on this path I am on, for the signs in the road to guide me along my path, to remember to trust my instinct and let it guide me today, tomorrow and always.

Here are just some pictures from earlier in the day. Gabik reminded me to stop and smell the roses. . .

(Posted the next day due to technical difficulties of how to get photos from camera to computer, because, well, I couldn't find the cable so I had to improvise!) 

Oh, and I'm back!!!!

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